Find answers to frequently asked questions about {{serviceName}} below. If you don't see what you're looking for, feel free to contact us directly for personalized help. We want to make sure your experience with {{serviceName}} is smooth and enjoyable.

What devices and platforms are compatible with your service?

Our platform is designed to be compatible with a wide range of devices and platforms. Whether you use a desktop computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone, you can access our content seamlessly. We strive to provide users with a versatile and accessible content experience across all devices and platforms.

What do I need to pay for this service?

If you are registered for the service {{serviceName}} you pay {{price}} / {{billingFr}}.

How can I cancel my subscription?

There are 3 ways to stop the service:

1: Via URL: You can unsubscribe at any time via this link: {{unsubLink}}. They will be issued immediately.

2: Via text/sms: You are able to opt-out at any time by: sending Unsub Playono to 99222 for Orange users; sending TBD to 97970 for Zain users; sending TBD to 91825 for Umniah users. You will be unsubscribed immediately.

3: Via Email: You can send an email with the mobile number out should be written {{cucaEmail}}.

How do I contact customer service?

You can reach our customer service team by sending an email to {{cucaEmail}} or by filling out the contact form on our website. Our dedicated team is ready to assist you with any questions or concerns.

My question is not listed among the frequently asked questions?

For all other questions, please email your question to {{cucaEmail}}, call {{cucaNumber}} or use the contact form on our website.